Sunday, May 31, 2009

Prayer Letter 09 May

Dear Ones in Christ, May, 2009    Click here to return to our website.
Fifty six years ago today a tornado hit our home and Lakeview 
High School in San Angelo, Texas at about 2:11 PM. I had the 
most wonderful peace in my soul even though I did not know if 
my parents were living or gone to Glory. Later I learned the 
tornado had blown my mother across the alley landing at the 
corner of a neighbor’s house driving a four foot piece of wood 
about three feet above her head into the corner of that house. 
She had read Psalm 91:2 on a scripture calendar above my desk 
before the tornado lifted her and she went through the air; 
“carried gently like a feather,” as she later described her flight. 
Our Lord wonderfully keeps His word and she only had a couple 
of bruises. My walk home after the tornado was amazing as I saw 
straw sticking through telephone poles, a store with the wall gone 
yet shelves against the inside of the wall with canned goods 
stacked neatly on the shelves, houses looking like piles of 
toothpicks and the only way I could recognize where I was as I 
walked home was by counting the intersections. When I reached 
where our house had stood, I walked to the corner and looked at 
only the foundation tile with even the plumbing having been torn 
out of the ground. Job 1:21b came to mind “the LORD gave, and 
the LORD hath taken away: blessed be the name of the Lord.” 
The neighbor’s pickup was parked in front of our house and the 
door opened as my mother called “Bob we’re over here.” 
I climbed into the pickup and we had a praise service because we 
were all safe. All earthly possessions were gone but it really did 
not matter because we had the Lord and each other! Our hearts 
were filled with Praise! 
The Lord recently placed me in contact with Brother James Curtis 
in Ohio who works on internet web sites for missionaries. He has set
up a web site for us and the address is  so you
can look us up on the web if you have an internet connection.
I will give you a more permanent web address later after we get 
everything finalized. Our website is now
We are continuing to work on the site presently. This is a ministry 
Brother Curtis has started to assist us missionaries in setting up 
web sites to further promote our ministry. We appreciate so much 
the Lord leading Brother Curtis into this ministry.
Brother JB and Daniel recently sent out packets and mailbags to 
India, Ethiopia, Malaysia, and Togo. They will be sending out another 
mailing soon. Remember you can now send new or used Bibles, New 
Testaments, Sunday school or DBVS materials and Christian 
literature to them at: 
Grace Church, Attention: 
JB & Daniel, 1440 Florida Rd., 
Durango, CO. 81301. 
We Praise the Lord for leading them to take over our mailing ministry.
In Christian Love,
Bob and Verna

Prayer Letter 09 April

April, 2009           return to our website, click here.
Dear Ones in Christ,

Dear Ones in Christ,

Two days ago I went for my annual eye exam. The right eye

was fine but when I closed that eye and looked out of the left

eye I was shocked. I could not even read the largest letter on

the chart. Everything was blurry and hazy. After all the exams

the doctor concluded I had a large cataract over the eye.

I had not noticed it because I had apparently been depending

on the right eye which has always been the better of the two.

The machine for measuring the eye could not give a reading on

it so the doctor had to use another method to do the necessary

measuring. We plan to have the removal of the cataract May 4th.

Please keep that matter in prayer.

Because of Verna's fractured vertebras, she is now four inches

shorter having lost that much height by the bones giving way.

We are thankful that she is making some progress with the bone

pain decreasing but the Lupus has been causing much pain due

to weather changes. We had a light snow this morning and it is

39 degrees outside. We have a fire going in the fireplace insert

by which we heat the house. We have burned almost 12 cords

of wood thus far this year. We are going to have to get another

insert in the fireplace due to two cracks in the present insert

which allows smoke to escape into the house. Please pray with

us about this financial need. We are praising the Lord for continued

answers to prayer! I think we have mailed out 17 or 18 mailbags

costing about $5,000.00. I have more waiting to mail and just

this week the Lord sent in over $1,300.00 which makes me want

to shout! It is just amazing how our Lord moves upon the hearts

of you saints to invest in sending forth the gospel!

Thank you so very much for your part in helping us send out the

good news both by spoken and written words. It is so exciting to

"Watch God Work" and to have a small part in what He is doing

for His glory!

Tomorrow I will be meeting a couple of men from Grace Church,

a Baptist church in Durango. Pastor Ross phoned me that some

of the saints in the church are seeking to be involved in a practical

way sending out the gospel. Thus, I am going to be meeting with

them to explain about the mailing ministry which they are excited

about doing. Another answer to prayer, Praise the Lord! Thus, those

of you who have sent us literature in the past can start saving

literature to send to us again for mailings overseas.

Please continue to keep us both and the ministry in your prayers!

In Christian Love

Bob & Verna